Terms & Condition


All visitors to the VistaFundingLLC website (hereinafter referred to as the “User”, “You”) and VistaFundingLLC Company which operates this website (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”, “Digi Trades”, “We”) shall comply with the following terms & conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”). Your use of the Platform website, means you acknowledge and confirm your complete agreement with these Terms and agree to unconditionally comply with them throughout the entire period of use. The Platform website is governed and regulated by ASIC companies house including the principle that access cannot be granted to persons under the age of eighteen (18). By accepting these terms, You confirm that You comply with our international standards regarding the age requirements, rules and restrictions of using the Platform. To gain access to the VistaFundingLLC back office (hereinafter referred to as the “Back Office”) and to all features of the Platform, You need to register to create a personal account (hereinafter referred to as the “Account”). You confirm your acceptance of these Terms when You click the “Register” button after completing the registration form on the VistaFundingLLC website.
VistaFundingLLC reserves the right to add, modify, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently, these Terms at any time and for any reason without prior notice to Users. If You do not agree with these Terms or any subsequent amendments, changes or updates, You cannot use the Platform and must immediately exit this website.
The Platform shall provide products and services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) in an appropriate manner, in an appropriate amount and in accordance with these Terms. The Platform’s liability is limited to the software and hardware required to provide the Services. In exchange for agreeing and fully complying with these Terms and other regulatory documents of the Platform, the Platform provides You with free use of all the functionality provided for by the Platform, documents housed on the Platform and all capabilities which the Back Office and the Services provide.

You, as the User, shall agree that the Platform – its developers, employees, agents, partners, users or providers of additional services – is not responsible for any losses, costs, expenses, missed opportunities and non-commercial, material or other losses that may arise as a result of using information on the Platform’s website. In addition, the Platform is not responsible for the behaviour of any Wealth Simple User or for the behaviour of any third-party partners. The Platform does not bear any responsibility nor obligations, does not cover any costs nor does it accept claims arising directly or indirectly due to inaccuracy of the information presented on the Platform’s website, in the Back Office and/or due to the User’s non-compliance of these Terms or other Platform regulatory documents. Wealth Simple is not responsible for any inaccuracies, errors, delays or omissions of information, incorrect transmission or delivery of information, nor for any loss or damage resulting from a force majeure. Wealth Simple does not provide its Users with trading recommendations, strategies, algorithms, etc., and the User has no right to request such information from the Platform. The Platform performs only the execution of the Users’ system requests and transactions. Under no circumstances should any information provided by the Platform, its official partners or employees, be considered financial, investment or other professional advice. Both the User and the Platform agree to notify the other party in writing of any lawsuits and/or disputes arising in connection with the operation of the Wealth Simple website, the User Account or these Terms within thirty (30) days from the occurrence of such a situation, as well as agree to try to peacefully resolve such a situation first, through friendly correspondence, before filing a lawsuit in court or other authority.

By becoming a Platform User, You agree that: You will not distribute spam using the Wealth Simple name, nor use the Wealth Simple website for any commercial purposes or activities aimed at personal profit which bypasses the general goals and benefits of the Platform Users; In no way will You interfere with the proper operation of the Platform by performing any actions that could adversely affect the operation or reputation of Wealth Simple You are responsible for taking appropriate measures to ensure that you comply with all laws of your country of residence, including applicable tax laws; You agree to pay in full all amounts payable, including any additional costs established by the Platform; You are responsible, including recognising a potential complete loss of funds, for any erroneous transactions, made inside or outside Wealth Simple, due to your fault/inattention.

If evidence of violation of these Terms or incorrect behaviour of the User is discovered, the User Account may be temporarily or fully suspended. The suspension period is up to sixty (60) days. VistaFundingLLC Account usage violations:
* Account balance replenishment with illegally-obtained funds;
* Conducting transactions using illegally-obtained funds, or upon receipt of affiliate
* commissions from Users dealing with trafficking in funds;
* Attempts to mislead other Users or the Platform;
* Lawbreaking.
* Public defamation of the Platform or its Users;
* Intentional misrepresentation of the Platform’s Services, mission or functionality;
* Any attempt to interrupt the VistaFundingLLC website operation using possible vulnerabilities;
* Hacking or hacking attempt to access VistaFundingLLC Users’ Accounts;
* Spam mailing that damages the Platform’s reputation;
* Use and disclosure of confidential information about Platform Users;
* Aggressive behavior, rudeness, threats, or provocations against the Platform developers, employees or other Users.

VistaFunding LLC

is registered in United states as a funds management company, Authorised by VistaFundingLLC with a global client base and focused on creating stable and long-term business relations.